Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)


Sometimes it can be hard to realize you suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD. This is among other things because those who are suffering tend to worry about the same things as those who do not have GAD. The worries are often about every day things like work, health, family, world issues such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. It is how and how much people worry about these things that matter. Most people who do not suffer from GAD worry about these things less frequently and not it does not necessarily have negative impact on ones life. However, when GAD becomes a problem several side effects are apparent such as difficulty with sleep, irritability, muscle tension, difficulty concentrating etc.

Common profiles

Many people that come in with GAD have never sought help from a psychologist before. Often people have very successful in life, and these symptoms unfold in that one cannot enjoy their success or have overly strong sense of “imposter syndrome”. CEOs, doctors, lawyers are more likely to come in for a different concern such as hitting a wall with stress and perfectionism.