Dr. Fjóla

Fjóla Helgadóttir, PhD

R. Psych, CACBT certified Cognitive Behavior Therapist

Face-to-face psychology sessions in Vancouver, Canada

Online sessions throughout BC, Canada, and Iceland

Online programs for social anxiety & fertility stress: AI-Therapy.com

to book a session, please contact:

canada: +1 778 371 3005, *Active august 1st, 2020
Iceland: +354 466 2018.

Email: admin@drfjola.com

Postal address: dr. Fjola Helgadottir psychology 1285 West Broadway, Suite 600 Vancouver, BC, V6H 1G7, Canada

  • Dr. Helgadottir is a registered psychologist in British columbia, canada and a registered clinical psychologist in Iceland. Dr. helgadottir has previously also been a registered clinical psychologist in oxford, england, and sydney, Australia

  • Dr. helgadottir has specialized in evidence based psychology treatment for OCD, social anxiety, health and generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, eating problems and depression and more for the past 2 decades.

  • Researcher & Director of AI-Therapy. Dr. Helgadottir was a senior researcher at the University of Oxford, England

  • Dr. Helgadottir has won several awards including the prestigious tracey Goodall award for her phd work which aimed at using technology to improve psychological care. Dr. helgadottir holds 4 university degrEes in psychology (BA), Postgrad dip (psych), Master (clinical psych) and a PhD.

  • dr. helgadottir conducts research on www.ai-therapy in collaboration with university of sydney, australia, University of British columbia, canada and reykjavik university, iceland

  • Dr. helgadottir has published peer reviewed academic papers, been a speaker at academic conferences since 2007 and was Featured in Science Magazine in 2015,

  • Dr. helgadottir frequently speaks in the media including to the BBC, WSJ & SMH. Dr. Helgadottir IS an expert writer for psychology today where she writes about the intersection of technology and mental health care.

    Publications taken together here