Dr. Fjóla
to book a session, please contact:
canada: +1 778 371 3005, *Active august 1st, 2020
Iceland: +354 466 2018.
Email: admin@drfjola.com
Postal address: dr. Fjola Helgadottir psychology 1285 West Broadway, Suite 600 Vancouver, BC, V6H 1G7, Canada
Dr. Helgadottir is a registered psychologist in British columbia, canada and a registered clinical psychologist in Iceland. Dr. helgadottir has previously also been a registered clinical psychologist in oxford, england, and sydney, Australia
Dr. helgadottir has specialized in evidence based psychology treatment for OCD, social anxiety, health and generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, eating problems and depression and more for the past 2 decades.
Researcher & Director of AI-Therapy. Dr. Helgadottir was a senior researcher at the University of Oxford, England
Dr. Helgadottir has won several awards including the prestigious tracey Goodall award for her phd work which aimed at using technology to improve psychological care. Dr. helgadottir holds 4 university degrEes in psychology (BA), Postgrad dip (psych), Master (clinical psych) and a PhD.
dr. helgadottir conducts research on www.ai-therapy in collaboration with university of sydney, australia, University of British columbia, canada and reykjavik university, iceland
Dr. helgadottir has published peer reviewed academic papers, been a speaker at academic conferences since 2007 and was Featured in Science Magazine in 2015,
Dr. helgadottir frequently speaks in the media including to the BBC, WSJ & SMH. Dr. Helgadottir IS an expert writer for psychology today where she writes about the intersection of technology and mental health care.
Publications taken together here